日本社会基层自治组织的性质、功能和活动内容在富有长期历史传统的基础上 ,又随着国家经济、政治和文化制度的变化而逐步演进发展。本文通过对日本冲绳县言壳谷村区自治会的实地考察和资料分析 ,力图取得一些有益的认识 ,以期对推进我国的基层组织和民主政治建设起到他山之石的作用。
Based on a long historical tradition, the nature, function and activity of the autonomous organizations at the basic level in Japan, a developed country, are evolving along with the transformations in the nation's economic, political and cultural systems. In a hope to offer some useful references for China's construction of the organizations at the basic level and its democratic politics, this treatise attempts to extract certain valuable knowledge from the analysis of certain materials and the on the spot investigation on the autonomous committee of Kegu village in Okinawa county in Japan.
Journal of Beijing administration institute