近 2 0年来 ,经济全球化加速发展 ,国际分工日益深化 ,各种生产要素的国际性流动增强 ,资本在生产中的地位明显上升 ,各国经济上的相互依存度增大。这些变化对西方国家的政府、经济和社会生活带来了巨大冲击 ,同时也给西方社会运动带来了不利影响。
Recently 20 years,economic globalization is speeding up its advance,there are even deepening in the international division Worldwide flow of all factors of production are strengthening Capitals role has an obvious enforcement on the production There are even more interdependent in economics among countries These changes have produced great pound on the politics,economics and social life of European American nations They also have brought about an unfavourable influence on Western social movement
Journal of Beijing administration institute