对中国住宅产业化的发展作了简要的介绍。通过实施科技示范项目可以极大的促进住宅产业化的发展 ,从而推动国民经济的发展。同时通过这些研究项目的实施 ,可以在关键技术研究方面取得突破 ,从而有效地提高住宅产业的科技含量、确保工程质量和经济、社会、环境综合效益 ,使住宅产业成为一个现代化的产业。要实现这一目的 ,我们还有大量的工作要做。
A brief description of the housing industry developments in China is given in the paper. Housing industry modernization will be greatly promoted by the implementation of science and technology projects and makes a great benefit for the national economy. By the implementation of housing industry modernization research project, it can be ensured to obtain breakthroughs in research on the key technologies,therefore, considerably increase the contribution rate of scientific and technological progress of housing industry,and refine engineering quality and economic,social and environmental benefit, and make the housing industry a real modern industry. To gain all the objectives of the project, great efforts still need to be made.
Journal of Chongqing Jianzhu University