目的 :了解维吾尔族学龄前儿童同身寸与身高 ,四肢长度的关系 ,为体质人类学提供数据 ,为生长 (年龄 )解剖学 ,法医学提供参考依据。方法 :对 2 40名 (男 1 2 0人 ,女 1 2 0人 )发育正常的学龄前儿童同身寸 ,身高 ,上肢长度 ,下肢长度进行测量。结果 :按年龄 ,性别分组将得出的同身寸 ,身高 ,上肢长度 ,下肢长度的基本数据进行统计学处理 (总体均数估计 ,u检验及回归分析 )结论 :男 ,女各年龄组同身寸均值显著性检验提示男 ,女 3~ 4组间有显著性差异 ,其它各组及性别间均无显著性差异。并据此提出同身寸与身高 ,上肢长度 ,下肢长度推导身高简单公式。
To study the relationship between the stature and the 4 limbs length among Xinjiang Uygur preschool children and povide reference for confirmation of the physical anthropology, the growth(age) anatomy and the medical jurisprudence. Methods: Regularly developed children stature, upper extremity length, lower extremity length were measured (male 120, female 120, age 3~6 years). Results: Groups were divided according to age, sex. Statistical analyzing was used to assess the basic data of stature, upper extremity length, lower extremity length. Conclusion: Mean and standard deviation is obtained from each group, each result is significant. The stature could be infered from the upper extremity length and the lower extremity length.
Chinese Journal of Anatomy