反斯托克斯荧光制冷的研究虽然在近几年发展得很快 ,但是还有许多基础问题和应用问题没有解决。因此 ,把荧光制冷技术推向实用还需要一定的时间。然而 ,几乎所有的研究者都认为在不久的将来荧光制冷技术将会在某些领域发挥重要的作用。因为基于荧光制冷技术的制冷器将具有体积小、重量轻、无振动、无电磁辐射、无污染、制冷效率可以长期保持不变等独特的优点。另外 ,它的制冷效率也可与现有的商业成品相比拟。现就荧光制冷器发展和应用的前景进行讨论。根据反斯托克斯荧光制冷的特点 ,研究荧光制冷器的不同构造和预期性能指标 ,探讨影响制冷器发展的关键因素。介绍LosAlamos第一代荧光制冷器的设计方案 ;给出基于光纤的线圈型制冷器件设计方案 ;研究用于大规模集成电路制冷的荧光制冷器件 ;最后 ,对单分子—光子制冷泵在单分子物理学及介观物理学中的应用加以探讨。
Study on anti Stokes Fluorescent Cooling develops rapidly in recent years.But,there are many problems in its groundwork and applications.So,a period of time is needed to put this high tech in practicality . Even though, all researchers in this field insist that laser cooling tech will play an important part in some field in future.The cryocoolers based on anti Stokes fluorescent emission will be mini volume,lighter weight,electromagnetic radiation free,non vibration and non noise,beacuse of light driving only in this technique.The abroad researchers studied much in laser cooling,because of its great potential applications in military,space,integrated optics,micro electronics,iatrology,and etc.The breakthrough in laser cooling as a basically technique must result in application of many high teches which require special temperature conditions and must promote their fields developing forward. In this paper, we introduce the first generation laser cryocooler disigned by Los Alamos and forecast the future development of fluorescent cryocooler and discuss the gist of its design.Some consideration on design of coil form,cooling to integrated circuit and single molecule photon crycooler are proposed.
Chinese Journal of Luminescence
国家重点基础研究发展规划 !( 973稀土G19980 613 0 9)
国家自然科学基金!( 5 9872 0 42 )