对 6 0AGeV 16O诱发乳胶核反应靶核碎片多重数分布及其关联进行了实验研究 ,并与FRITOF1.7加级联机制模型和DTUNUC 2 .
The multiplicity distributions and correlations of grey track producing particles(N g), black track producing particles(N b) and heavy track producing particles(N h) have been studied in 60 A GeV 16 O induced nuclear emulsion reaction. The multiplicity distributions of grey particles,black particles and heavy track producing particles can be reproduced by FRITIOF(version 1.7) taking cascade mechanism into account and DTUNUC 2.0 with an incident energy of 200 A GeV. The mean multiplicity of black particles <N b> increases with the number of grey particle N g up to 10 and then exhibits a saturation for peripheral,central and mini-bias events;the average values of grey particles <N g>(heavy track producing particles<N h>)inerease with increasing values of black particle N b(grey particle N g).
High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics
山西省青年科学基金 ( 9910 0 4 )