采用宏观和微观分析方法对 90 Al2 O3 缸套内衬的微观结构进行了分析。结果表明 ,该缸套内衬为刚玉 -镁铝尖晶石复合陶瓷 ,显微组织属 Al2 O3 - Mg O- Si O2 和 Al2 O3 - Ca O- Si O2 型结构。二次重结晶和玻璃相的存在及气孔含量偏高 。
The microstructure of cylinder liner materials 90Al 2O 3 was analysed The results showed that this cylinder liner was composite ceramic of alumina and spinel, had crystal structure of Al 2O 3 Mg SiO 2 and Al 2O 3 CaO SiO 2 system High glass phase and porosity concentration will lower the ductility of the ceramic
Physical Testing and Chemical Analysis(Part A:Physical Testing)