无扰动的完整的水体沉积物 -界面水柱状样品的获取是提取沉积物记录的环境信息、研究沉积物-水界面物质迁移传输的地球化学过程原理的一项基本工作。本文介绍了一种新研制的用于 5m以下深度的浅水水体沉积物 -界面水采样器 ,该采样器由手柄杆、取样管、分样顶托三部分组成 ,具有体积小、重量轻、材料廉价易得、加工简单、操作方便等特点 ,并且可以获取足够厚度的沉积物层和直径较大的柱状样 ,在运河(杭州段 )和杭州西湖沉积物 -界面水样品采集中 ,成功地获取了 40~ 70cm沉积物柱样和 30~ 6 0cm界面水样 ,是一种经济有效的浅水水体沉积物 -界面水采样工具。
A newly developed sampler for collecting sediment-water core samples near the sediment-water interface in shallow water bodies is presented in this paper. This sampler is portable, cheap, easy to make and easy to use. Only one person can perform sampling in the field. The sediment core samples measuring 400~700 mm in thickness and water core samples measuring 300~600 mm in depth have been obtained in the polluting investigation of sediment and water in the Grand Canal and Westlake in Hangzhou, China. It is a convenient and economic sampler for sediment-water core sampling in water bodies shallower than 5 m.;