本文介绍了在水泥土搅拌桩中插入型钢形成一种新型的地下连续墙支护结构(SMW墙),该墙体充分利用了 水泥土搅拌桩的高止水性和型钢所具有的强度和刚度;而在完成基坑施工之后,可取出型钢,供重复使用,这 不仅降低了工程造价,而目减少了墙体的厚度,在窄小的施工场地特别适用。
The paper will introduce a kind of new bracing wall structure that steel pile are used to push into the soil cement mixing pile (soil mixing wall) ,considering great sealing property of soil cement mixing pile and high strength and rigidity of steel pile. Furthermore, after the foundation pit construction being finished, the steel piles will be pulled out to use in the future, thus the cost will be decreased and the walling width will be lessened.