对比国内外关于高山带景观划分的多种观点 ,采用气候树线以上部分为高山带的划分方法。重点讨论太白山高山带自然环境 ,包括第四纪冰川遗迹和现代冰缘作用影响下的高山、亚高山地貌 ,研究区内主要气候要素的分布状况、特别是气温和降水的时空分配分布格局 ,土壤有机质的空间分异 ,以及在这种环境条件下高山带的植物区系和植被分布格局。太白山高山带的各种环境要素之间密切相关 ,是表现特殊的自然综合体。在全球气候变化背景下 。
Based on the introduction of some theories about mountain research, the demarcation of landscape boundaries near alpine belt was discussed in this paper. It is considered that the alpine belt on a mountain refers to the part lies beyond climatic treeline in our view, and alpine timberline is the ecotone between treeline and dark coniferous forest. As a matter of fact, alpine belt is our main object to discuss here. As far as alpine belt of Mountain Taibai was concerned, the landforms were primarily studied at first, while the glacial historical remains and some modern periglacial landforms were introduced afterwards. Then, the climate patterns beyond subalpine belt were studied with consideration of temperature and precipitation there, and it is found that the climatic gradients are very obvious. Alpine soils were discussed very briefly with views of the total organic carbon inside alpine surface soil, but need further explanations. Under such backgrounds, with help of climatic diagram and the analysis of plant flora on the Mountain, the vegetation patterns inside alpine belt were studied. From above, the conclusion that the elements of physical environment were closely connected can be drawn, which can be shown by the soils and vegetation inside such environment. As the alpine belt is hardly affected by human actions, the environment there can play an important role in disclosing the information of global climate change, and thus, mountain research, especially the alpine research should be paid more attention.
Mountain Research
国家自然科学基金 (批准号 :498710 80 )资助