以低纬高原城市昆明市为研究对象 ,利用由于城市扩大而受到影响的昆明气象站室内外气温资料和未受城市影响的太华山气象站气温资料 ,以及城市建成区面积和城市人口资料 ,通过比较分析 ,得出以下结果 :昆明地区受全球气候变暖影响年平均气温约升高 0 .5℃ /3 0a ;由于城市面积扩大导致昆明的室内外气温均升高 ,其中室内气温升高幅度大于室外气温 ,干季大于雨季 ;不论是干季还是雨季 ,城市增温效应与城市建成区面积、城市人口均有较好的相关关系。城市建成区面积增加对平均气温的影响较大 ;而城市人口增加对平均室内气温的影响较大。城市建成区面积每增加 1km2 ,年平均室内气温将升高 0 .0 0 5 4℃ ;年平均气温升高 0 .0 12℃。而城市人口增加 1万人 ,年平均室内气温升高 0 .0 2 5 9℃ ;年平均气温升高 0 .0 0 98℃。以上结果有助于深入探讨城市化对城市气候的影响机制 ,为城市建筑的规划、设计提供一定的参考依据。
The data roots in theobservation of air temperature that have been effected by city expansion in Kunming city weather station and that haven't been effected by urbanization in Taihua mountain station. The results indicate that the average air temperature increased 0.5℃/30a or so due to the global climatic warming; with Kunming city area expanding, the indoor and outdoor air temperature will rises, the range ability of indoor air temperature go beyond outdoor, dry season exceeded rain season. However, whether dry season or rain season, the correlativity between effection of city temperature increasing and urban area and urban population is considerable. Urban area increased has considerable effect on the average air temperature; while urban population increased obviously affects average air temperature of indoor. With urban area increasing 1 km 2 , the annual average indoor air temperature will rise 0.005 4℃, annual average air temperature will rise 0.012℃. On the other hand, with urban population increasing 10 000, the annual average indoor air temperature will rise 0.025 9℃, the annual average air temperature will rise 0.009 8℃. This result will provide reference for studying fundamentals about urbanization effect on urban climate and city planning.
Plateau Meteorology
国家自然科学基金重点项目 ( 5 98362 5 0 )