天然林资源保护工程是我国改善日益恶化的生态环境而实施的一项重大生态工程 ,它涉及 1 7个省 (自治区、直辖市 ) ,工程区林业用地总面积 1 2 3 72万hm2 ,天然林面积 564 3万 hm2。工程分试点和正式实施 2个阶段。通过工程的实施 ,长江上游、黄河上中游地区的 3 0 3 8万 hm2 天然林全面停伐 ,东北、内蒙古等重点国有林区的木材产量逐步调减到位。到 2 0 1 0年 ,工程区内的全部森林资源将得到切实保护 ,森林植被得以恢复 ,74万企业富余人员将得到妥善安置和分流。同时 。
The Natural Forest Conservation Programme (NFCP), as one of the greatest ecological programmes, is implemented for improvement of the deteriorating environment. It covers 17 provinces, 123.72 million hm 2 land area for forest. The natural forest in the NFCP scope totals 56.43 hm 2. The NFCP consists of two stages. One is from 1998 to 1999 for trial implementation and the other is from 2000 to 2010 for the formal implementation. 30.38 million hm 2 of natural forest in the upper reach of Yangtze River and the upper and middle reaches of Yellow River will be banned to fell. The timber output will be gradually cut down according to the plan of NFCP. Forests in NFCP scope will be completely protected and the vegetation will be restored. 0.74 million of redundant workers will be redirected and resettled properly. Furthermore, the Government formulated a package of favorable policies to ensure the successful implementation of NFCP.
World Forestry Research