晋萝卜 3号是利用雄性不育系育成的一代杂种 ,属春萝卜类型。具有生长速度快、商品性好、冬性强、不易糠心等特点。肉质根圆柱形 ,皮色全红 ,表皮光滑美观 ,平均单根质量 12 0g ,生育期 5 0d(天 )左右 ,一般 6 6 7m2 产 2 5 0 0kg左右。
The new F 1 hybrid Jin Ruobo No.3 is a type of spring radish,developed from male sterile line. It has characteristics of fast growing,good market quality,high winterness and anti spongy. It’s root is cylinder with red and smooth skin. Average root weight is 120g. The yield reached 37.5t·hm -2 . It takes 50 days to harvest from sowing and is suitable for growing in Shanxi and other provinces nearby.
China Vegetables