由云南省澄江县 14年生桉树实生种子园保留的育种群体 4个区组内 ,从蓝桉和直干桉中各抽 30个家系对它们的纤维长度、木材密度、树高和胸径 4个性状的遗传力、遗传相关和遗传增益作了估算。蓝桉纤维长度和木材密度的单株遗传力分别为 0 6 745± 0 0 746和 0 35 46± 0 10 10 ;直干桉两性状的遗传力分别为 0 34 16± 0 10 11和0 0 6 70± 0 0 85 0。两树种的纤维长度与其余 3性状的遗传相关系数均为正值 ,而木材密度与树高和胸径的遗传相关系数均是负数。提出以纤维长度和树高作为蓝桉、直干桉的主要选择性状 ,并提出了选择方法和标准。蓝桉的选择指数方程为 :I1=Fr+9 9146H ;直干桉的为 :I2 =Fr+0 980 9H。为下一步高世代育种应注意的事项作了建议。
In four blocks of breeding groups of 14 years old Eucalyptus seed orchard in Chengjiang county of Yunnan,the hereditability, genetic correlation and genetic gain of wood fiber length,wood density,height and DBH of Eucalyptus globulus and E maidenii were analyzed and estimated by sampling 30 families of each Eucalyptus species The individual tree hereditability of wood fiber length and wood density of E globulus were 0 674 5±0 074 6 and 0 354 6±0 101 0,while that of E maidenii were 0 341 6±0 101 1 and 0 067 0±0 085 0 The genetic correlation coefficient between wood fiber length and other three growth characters was positive,and the genetic correlation coefficient between wood density and height,wood density and DBH were negative Fiber length and height were the main selection characters of E globulus and E maidenii,the selection methods and selection standard were worked out The selection exponential equation of E globulus and E maidenii were I 1=Fr+9 914 6H and I 2=Fr+0 980 9H Besides,suggestions on advanced generation breeding of E globulus and E maidenii were proposed
Yunnan Forestry Science and Technology
云南省应用基金 ( 97C0 65M)资助的"蓝桉
直干桉木材密度和纤维长度遗传变异研究"的第 5部分