美国加州李是目前国内外流行的一种新型高档水果。 1996年在云南楚雄市作引种试验 ,经 5年的试验证实加州李在楚雄地区适应性强 ,具有结果早、丰产等特点 ,有较高的推广价值。本文从嫁接苗的培育、种植技术、管理措施、病虫害防治等方面 ,详细地介绍了美国加州李的丰产栽培技术 ,并对果实的采收和贮藏技术作了介绍。
Introduction experiment of Prunus bulanglan to Chuxiong city, Yunnan , China has been conducted since 1996. Prunus bulanglan showed its adaptability to Chuxiong prefecture, such as young fruit bearing age and high yield. Cultivation techniques including cultivating and planting grafted plants, management measures, control of pests and diseases, harvesting and storage of fruits were introduced.
Yunnan Forestry Science and Technology