中国南方扬子地区早寒武世早期 ,低等 (水生 )植物及动物群发育 ,沉积了一套富含黑色碳质泥岩、页岩及石煤的地层 ,为该区古生界最好的烃源岩层系之一。中上寒武统也有一定的暗色石灰岩烃源岩发育。估计扬子地区寒武系烃源岩的总体积至少可达 4 0 0 0× 10 4km3。烃源岩有机质丰度高 ,属好 -较好烃源岩。虽然烃源岩热演化程度普遍较高 ,属成熟 -过成熟 ,但仍具有较大的生烃能力。如果有较好的保存条件 ,扬子地区寒武系则具有较好的勘探远景。根据石油地质条件综合分析 ,中下扬子的长江沿线地区是最为有利的勘探前景地区。
During the early Chambrian, here were well-developed lower plants hydrobios and animals group-rich;and deposited black carbonic and muddy shale and carboid which is one of the best formations containing source rock Moreover,there is also well-developed another source rock rich-comprising dark limestone The total volume of the Cambrian source rock in Yangtze region is evaluated to be at least 4000×10 4km 3,and the abundance of organic source rock is much high Although the thermal evolution of the source rock is generally great,belonging to the mature or over-mature,it still has a better potential producing hydrocarbon If there is a better preservative condition,the Cambrian formation in Yangtze rigion is a better prospective area,and according to the combining analysis for the petroleum geological condition,the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze river is best exploratory prospective area
Northwestern Geology