新墨西哥州卡尔斯巴德 (Carlsbad)钾盐矿床是美国最早发现的古钾盐矿床 ,该矿床一直是美国钾盐的主要供给地。含钾蒸发岩系产出于得克萨斯州西部、新墨西哥州东南部Delaware盆地上二叠统海相地层中。含钾蒸发岩系可分为 4个建造。由下向上分别为 :①Castile建造 ,由石盐岩和其夹层硬石膏岩或石灰岩构成 ;②Salado建造 ,由钾盐、石盐岩、含泥石盐岩、硬石膏岩、杂卤石岩、白云岩、泥岩构成 ;③Rustler建造。由石盐岩、石膏岩、硬石膏岩、硅质岩、白云岩及石灰岩构成 ;④DeweyLake红层建造 ,由红色泥岩和砂岩构成。其中 ,Salado建造 ,厚 6 70m ,含 12个矿带 ,面积为 492 0km2 ,钾盐矿体主要由钾石盐和无水钾镁矾以及石盐等矿物所组成。次生的钾盐矿物有
Carlsbad potash deposit of New Mexico, found in USA the earliest among deposits of its kind, acts at all times as a leading potash-providing base. Potash-bearing evaporate occurs in the Late Permian marine sequences in the Delavare basin in the west of Texan and the east-south of New Mexico, probably divided into four formations. These are, in a ascending order, 1 Castile formation consisting of halite, intercalated anhydrite and limestone, 2 Salado formation potash, halite rock, clayey halite rock, anhydrite rock, polyhalite rock, dolomite and mudstone, 3 Rustler formation halite rock, gypsum rock, anhydrite rock, silicalite, dolomite and limestone, and 4 Dewey Lake red mudstone and sandstone. The Salado formation, thickening 670m, contains 12 mineralized belts covering a area of 4920km 2. Potash ore bodies are composed chiefly of sylvite, langbeinite, halite, and so on. Secondary potash minerals include kainite and leonite.
Geology of Chemical Minerals