讨论了变形监测网的参考系问题 ,举例说明了不同的参考基准对应着完全不同的位移场。对监测网点位稳定性进行了分析 ,重点介绍了平均间隙法。
This paper discusses reference system problem on deformation monitoring network, and illustrates different reference benchmark corresponding to different displacement field. On account of ambiguity for free net adjustment results, we should select an appropriate deformation reference system according to practical situation. Further more, the reference benchmark must keep consistency for periodic deformation monitoring. Three primary statistical testing methods are presented for stability analysis of monitoring network, namely the mean spacing method, the robust weight iterative method and the simple point displacement component method.
Journal of Geomatics
测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室资助项目 (990 2 0 1 )