通过 4 1 0MeV82 Se轰击天然Ba靶引起的深部非弹反应布居产生了类弹和类靶余核的激发态 ,利用在束γ谱学方法测量了它们的退激γ .通过γ -γ符合测量估计了类弹、类靶余核激发态的产生截面 ,在多个类靶余核中观测到了新γ跃迁 ,并建立了136 Ba的新能级纲图 ,说明利用深部非弹反应研究Z≈ 56,N≈ 80区高自旋态是有效。
To check the feasibility of deep inelastic heavy-ion reactions in populating the high-spin states in Z≈56,N≈80 nuclei, a test experiment has been carried out by using the reaction of 410 MeV 82 Se+ nat Ba. γ γ coincidence measurements have been performed using in-beam γ spectroscopy techniques. Population cross-sections of excited states in both target-like fragments and projectile-like fragments have been estimated. New γ transitions were identified in several target-like fragments. A new level scheme including five new levels has been established for 136 Ba. The preliminary results show that deep inelastic heavy-ion reactions are very promising for populating the excited states in the Z≈56,N≈80 region.
High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics
国家自然科学基金 (1 970 5 0 1 1和 1 963 5 0 3 0 )
中国科学院"九五"重大项目 (KJ95T -0 3 )~~