介绍了X波段DAW加速结构的优化过程 .给出了利用SUPERFISH程序进行腔形优化的数学模型以及利用该模型对X波段DAW结构的优化设计结果 .给出了利用MAFIA4 0 0程序对加支撑杆的DAW结构进行优化设计的结果 ,讨论了支撑杆对DAW结构微波特性的影响 .同时 ,对DAW加速结构有无支撑杆的色散曲线分别进行了计算 。
The Disk and Washer (DAW) accelerating structure not only has shunt impedance and high Q value,but also has a high coupling constant between the neighboring cells. At X band,its advantages are especially useful. In this work, a mathematical model used to optimize DAW (without supports) cavities by SUPERFISH was built and the solution was presented. Moreover,the optimization of DAW (with supports) by MAFIA400 was also carried out and the influence of supports was analyzed. \;The dispersion curve of the optimized DAW cavities was calculated by URMELT (without supports) and MAFIA400 (with supports),the influence of the supports was studied,and the problem of the overlapping of passband in the accelerating frequency was discussed.
High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics