对严重为害仙客来的叶斑病进行致病菌分离纯化 ,并进行致病性测定。经鉴定 ,造成仙客来叶斑病的病原菌为链格孢菌 (Alternariaalternatakeissl)。主要发生于 4月初至秋末 ,特别是在温室或保护地栽培中 ,温度高 ,湿度大 ,通风差 ,大水浇灌 ,更易发病。分生孢子借风、雨、灌溉水飞溅传播 ,从伤口、气孔直接侵入。防治试验表明 ,百菌清、代森锰锌 。
Cyclamen leaf spot causes severe damage to cyclamen. Studies have been done to isolate and purify pathogenic bacteria of cyclamen leaf spot. At the same time pathogenicity test was made. The identification showed it was Alternaria alternata keissl which caused leaf spot in cyclamen. The disease mainly occurs in early April or late fall. Due to high temperature ,high moisture and poor ventilation the disease occurs more frequently in greenhouse or protected fields. Controlling test showed cholorothalonil mancozeb and carbendazin had better effect.
Journal of Shanxi Agricultural Sciences
山西省归国留学人员科研项目!部分内容 ( 98- 2 - 93)