描述了环科的2个新记录种 :畸形环线虫(Criconemaaberrans)来源于云南省昆明市的草莓和悬铃木根际土 ,其鉴定特征为头环2条 ,第1头环宽于第2头环 ,呈草帽状 ,体环后缘钝齿状 ,至尾端棘片加长 ,体环数较少R=39~41 ,口针较长为80~88μm ,排泄孔位于食道基球的末端Rex=12~14,阴门闭合 ,尾部钝圆 ;锯齿状沟环线虫(Ogmaserratum)采集于辽宁省鞍山市千山风景区的栎树和山楂等植物根际 ,其鉴定特征为头环1条呈草帽状 ,体环后缘有8~10列锯齿状裂片 ,尾端指状被裂片包绕 ,体环数较少R=31~36 ,口针较长为78~98μm,排泄孔位于食道基球的末端Rex=10~12 ,阴门靠近尾端,Rv=3~5。
Two new recorded species in China were described: Criconema aberrans and Ogma serratum. Criconema aberrans was collected from the soils around the roots of Fragaria ananassa and Platanus hispanica in Kunming, Yunnan Province. It was characterized by the first labial annule wider than the second, fewer body annule numbers(R=39~41), longer stylet (St=80~88μm), Rex=12~14, crenate edge of body annules. Ogma serratum was collected from the soils around roots of Quercus griffithii in Qianshan mountain, Liaoning Province. It was distinguished by one cap~like labial annule, 8~10 rules serrate cuticular ornamentation of body annules, fewer body annules (R=31~36), longer stylet (St=78~98μm), Rex=10~12, Rv=3~5.
Journal of Shenyang Agricultural University