用聚丙烯塑料袋作为容器对香石竹试管苗茎切段进行液体培养 ,发现材料生根速度比在固体培养基中快 1倍 ,且根毛发育良好 ,移栽成活率在 90 %以上 ,成本仅为固体培养的 10 % ,用于移栽前处理既有效又经济。
Works carried out that when small polyropylene bags were used as in vitro culture vessels for Disanthus caryophyllus with plant growth regulator free liquid medium, roots of these explants formed much earlier and better than that of culture in solid medium, the root hairs developed very well, The survival rate of transplantation is above 90%, the cost is only 10% of general glass vessel with solid medium. This may be regarded as an effective and economical mothed for flower industry.
Guizhou Agricultural Sciences