
鹤类保护与芦苇水生态的关系 被引量:3

Relationship between the Protection of Cranes and Aquatic Ecology of Reed
摘要 目前,北方部分苇塘因干旱和其它原因,其面积在不断缩小或芦苇生长发育受阻、产量下降。搞好苇塘的水利工程,满足不同生长期,芦苇对不同水深的要求,是改善芦苇低产和芦苇沼泽群落退化的有效措施。但改善芦苇生长发育要求的条件,对依存于沼泽环境的鹤类影响如何,笔者通过三年的研究表明:芦苇生长发育对水的要求与保护鹤类并不矛盾。 The relationship between the burviral of cranes and aquatic ecology ofreed was investigated for three years in Lindain county of Heilongjiang pro-vince. Siberian white cranes and Hooded Cranes are passing--by birds, whichonly stay in the studied area for a short period when they migrate to Nor-th in May, or to South in Oct. Red--crowned Cranes and White--naped Cranesare breeding bird, arriving at the studied area from the late of Marcheo the early Appril, and migrate to South in the middle and last ten daysof Oct. The fledgling and the adult whether Passing--by birds or breedingones are both affected by the water of reed marsh with different intensity.In order to raise the production of reed, the water of reed marsh was managed according to the requirement of reed in different development period,and the management can not only enlarge or maintain but size of reed marsh,decrease the speed of succesion but also promote the growing of reed. All of thesemanagements just provide good habitat and abundantfood resoururce ■ forthe cranes. The result shows that the. protection of cranes and the productionof reed are positively related.
出处 《哈尔滨师范大学自然科学学报》 CAS 1989年第1期104-107,共4页 Natural Science Journal of Harbin Normal University
关键词 芦苇 水生态 保护 Crane Reed Aquatic ecology Management protection
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