通过分析和研究转轨时期政府失灵的原因 ,提出矫正政府失灵的措施 ,目的在于使人们更好地认识体制转轨中市场调节和政府调节的关系 ,把握好政府干预的范围、方式和力度等 ,以减少或减轻政府失灵 ,提高政府干预经济的效率。
On the basis on analyzing the causes of government failure in the institutional transition era, this paper advances some measures for correction. The purpose of this study is to draw people's attention to the relations between the market and the government adjustment in the transitional era, to line up the the sphere, the method and the extent for government interference, and thus to increase the efficiency performance of government's interference.
Journal of Fujian School of Administration and Fujian Institute of Economics and Management