硒与乳牛的生产性能密切相关,其不足或缺乏可引起乳牛繁殖性能下降,流产,胎衣滞留和犊牛腹泻等许多疾病.1989年我们对江西 Z 市奶牛场奶牛的生产性能进行了调查.1986年以来,该场奶牛的繁殖率一直较低,而胎衣滞留发病率、流产率及犊牛腹泻的死亡率则很高,经采样检测分析,初步发现该场奶牛处于亚临床缺硒状态.该奶牛场种植饲料的土壤硒含量为0.5450ppm,饲料平均含硒量为0.067ppm,奶牛全血硒水平为0.0609ppm,全血 GSH-P_x 活性为4.73活力单位/ml,肝硒含量为0.3646ppm(干重).本文初步确定了江西 Z 市奶牛生产性能与硒之间存在的关系.
There is a very close relationship between selenium and the performance of cows.Selenium deficiency could reduce the reproductive rate and induce abortion,placental re-tention,calf diarrhea and many other diseases.In 1989,we investigated the performance ofcows on a dairy farm in city Z of Jiangxi.Since 1986,the reproductive rate of cows on this dairy farm has been very low and the rate of placental retention,abortion and mortality ofcalves induced by diarrhea have been very high.The results of some samples indicated thatthe cows on this dairy farm were under the subclinical selenium-deficiency status.Theselenium concentration of soil on which the feeds were produced was 0.3450ppm,feed0.067ppm,whole blood of cows 0.0609ppm.The activity of whole blood GSH-Px was4.73u/ml.The selenium level of liver was 0.3646ppm(DW).In this paper,the relationshipbetween selenium and performance of dairy cow in city Z of Jiangxi was preliminarily de-fined.
Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Jiangxiensis