设计了一种导弹质量、质心、转动惯量一体化测量设备 ,可在同一台设备上完成导弹质量、轴向和径向质心、俯仰、偏航方向的转动惯量测量。该装置主要由测试平台、活动支架、沿导弹纵轴滑动的精确定位机构、三个测力传感器和一个倒扭摆机构组成。描述了该装置质量特性测量方法 ,定量分析了测量误差 ,并总结了此类装置设计的几个关键问题。
This paper introduces an instrument for measuring the mass properties of missile system .Mass properties including the mass,axial and radial mass centers as well as yaw and pitch moments of inertia can easily be measured in the same one instrument .The instrument consists of a base platform, movable fixture, a movable precise location mechanism along missile's longitudinal axis, three force transducers and one inverted torsion pendulum. The method to measure mass properties is described and engineering errors are calculated and analyzed. finally, several keys which affected measuring accuracy are concluded for this instrument.
Aerospace Shanghai