中西军队思想教育都深深扎根于其传统文化的母土 ,其差异根源于各自传统文化的不同价值取向。这表现在三方面 :以群体还是个体为本位 ,以人伦抑或契约为基础 ,建基于农业经济还是海外殖民性经济。目前 ,中西军队思想教育都在相互吸取对方的优长 ,以增强其针对性。
The ideological education in Chinese and the western armies is both deeply rooted in their respective traditional cultures with the divergence caused by their different value orientation as the following three aspects:standardized by mass or by individual;decided by ethics or by contract;based on agro-economy or on external colonial economy.At present the ideological education in Chinese and the Western armies is absorbing experience from each other for better effectiveness.
Journal of Xi'an Politics Institute