最高人民法院 [2000]33号司法解释与刑法相关规定的对比,存在着与法律相背的两处失误:一是钱可以“消”罪;二是共同过失构成共犯。前者可规定为能积极赔偿的可减轻或免以刑罚来解决,后者去掉画蛇添足的共犯二字即可。
The author of this paper compares Judicial Interpretations No.33 [2000] by Supreme People's Court with the related articles of the Criminal Law.He believes that there are two errors in the Judicial Interpretations concerning the criminal case of traffic disturbance.At the same time,he also makes a brief analysis of the errors and puts forward amendments.
Journal of Guangxi Youth Leaders College