我国商事立法依据的理论基础较为薄弱 ,未从市场经济运作的原理本身指导商事立法 ,忽视商事立法活动的经济属性 ,不注重对其进行成本收益分析 ,不注重商事法律的供求均衡 ,供求相对过剩 (超前 )和不足 (滞后 )同时存在。对商事立法进行经济分析的重点是用交易费用理论来预测立法的效果 。
WT5BZ]The theoretical foundation of commercial legisilation is weak in our country,and it doesn't direct commercial legislation from the principle of market-economy movement.The economic attribute of commercial legislation is neglected.Take no notice of cost-income analysis and the balance of supply-need of commeraial law while the contradiction exists between comparative over supply-need and less supply-need. The emphasis of economic analysis is to foresee the effect of legislation by cost theory and analyze economic effect of the legislation by means of comparing cost-income as the essential means. [WT5HZ]
Journal of Gansu Political Science and Law Institute