毒品犯罪是指违反国家有关毒品管制法规 ,从事与毒品有关的危害社会治安秩序和公民身心健康的活动 ,依法应当受到处罚的行为。世界上绝大多数国家依法查禁毒品 ,严惩毒品犯罪 ,这是因为毒品给人类文明和社会安全带来触目惊心的严重危害。我国确定“四禁并举、堵源截流、严格执法、标本兼治”的禁毒方针 ,实践证明是完全正确的。治理毒品犯罪关乎社会的稳定 ,民族的生存 ,国家的强盛 ,因此 ,有效打击毒品犯罪等于遏制了一大批犯罪问题的上扬 。
Drug crime is defined as a sort of illegal behaviours concerned drugs,which endangers the social and public security health,and should be punished by the laws. A majority of countries around the world examine and forbid drugs as well as pay severely penalties to those people who are engaged in drug crimes, for they seriously endanger the human civilirality and public security.Our country persists in the drng-control strategy which includes cutting off the ways to supply drugs,carrying out blocking work against foreign drug sources and drug law erforcement. That was proved to be successful in practice. To punish drug crime concerns the social stablity, life-and-death of a nationality and the prosperity of a nation. Therefore, to fight against the drug crime effectively is to bring the increasing number of drug crime into control,it's also the important part to punish llegal behaviours.
Journal of Yunnan Public Security College