
堵源截流 多管齐下——对云南堵源截流工作成效的再认识 被引量:1

To Block Up The Source And To Dam a River Must Work Along Many Lines
摘要 今年 1至 4月 ,全省共查破贩毒案件 2 849起 ,缴获毒品××××千克 ,与去年同期相比 ,缴获毒品总数上升 2 64 7%。抓获涉毒犯罪嫌疑人 3 4 85名 ,查破万克毒品大案 5 0起 ,千克毒品大案 15 3起 ;缴获鸦片×××千克、海洛因××××千克、冰毒×××千克 ,受到上级机关多次表彰。这既是对我省禁毒工作的充分肯定 ,也是对我省禁毒工作极大的鞭策和鼓励。对云南堵源截流工作的再认识 :第一 ,统一思想 ,提高认识 ,紧紧抓住堵源截流不放 ;第二 ,调整思路 ,合理布局 ,巩固“三道防线” ;第三 ,公秘结合 ,重点侦控 ,强化情报调研和专案侦查工作 ;第四 ,转变观念 ,加大投入 ,重视发挥科技手段的优势 ;第五 ,协同作战 ,密切配合 ,形成禁毒合力 ;第六 ,加强领导 ,明确责任 。 From Janurary to April this year,2849 drug dealing cases were cracked in the whole province and ××× kilogram drugs were seized.Compared with the same months last year, the total quantity of drug seized this year has increased 272 8%.3485 drug criminal suspects were captured;50 drug dealing cases (ten kilogram)and 153 drug dealing cases (kilogrom)were cracked.××× kilogram opium,××× kilogram Heroin and ××× kilogram purified heroin were seized,These achievements brought about the award from the upper organs.This is the full approval and the great encouragement to the drug prohibition work of our province. The reconsiderations of the drug prohibition work are:1.uniting of thinking, deepening the understanding,focusing on the blocking up of the drug source and the damming of the drag dealing;2.adjusting the train of thought,distributing rationally and consolidating the“three lines of defence”;3.combining public and secrete work together, emphasing on investigation and control, enforcing the information research and investigation of special cases;4.changing the concept,increasing the input, emphasizing on giving full lay to the technological methods;5.fighting in coordination,acting in tight link,forming the strong drug prohibition power;6.strengthening the Party leadership,clearing the responsibility and emphasizing on implementing.
作者 沈世斌
出处 《云南公安高等专科学校学报》 2001年第2期61-63,共3页 Journal of Yunnan Public Security College
关键词 云南 禁毒工作 专案侦查工作 科技手段 Block up the Drug Source and Dam the Drug Dealing Unite the Thought, Distribute Rationally Combine Public and Secretl work Increase the Input Fight in Coordination Technological Method Emphasize on Implementing
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