毛泽东关于民族斗争与阶级斗争一致性的理论 ,是抗战时期民族斗争与阶级斗争相互关系的客观反映。第一 ,民族矛盾上升为主要矛盾 ,阶级斗争必须服从民族斗争 ,阶级斗争的利益必须服从民族斗争的利益 ;第二 ,阶级的政治经济要求应以不破裂合作为条件 ,阶级斗争的要求应以民族斗争的需要为出发点 ;第三 ,保持党派和阶级的独立性及一定限度的权利 ,才有利于合作 ,才有所谓合作 ;第四 ,阶级斗争和民族斗争交织在一起 ,阶级斗争是以民族斗争的形式出现的 ,表现了二者的一致性。无产阶级不能停止和忽略阶级斗争 ;第五 ,各党派在统一战线中的独立自主不是绝对的 ,应以不破裂统一战线为前提。
Mao Tsetung′s theory that identifies national struggle with class struggle is a reflection of mutual relation between national and class struggle during the period of the War Resistance against Japan.Main views of the theory are as the follows.First,class struggle must be subordinated to national one as national contradiction grew into principal contradiction.Second,economic and political demands of the class should be predicated on maintaining the cooperation.Class claim should preceed from the need of national struggle. Third,only we preserve independence and certain right of class and parties and groups can the cooperation be favourable,and can there be what is called cooperation.Fourth,class struggle that mingled with national struggle take form of national struggle,which embodied the unity of the two.The proletariat can not neglect and stop class struggle.Fifth,political parties and groups are not of absolute indepandence which ought to be on a prerequisite to maintaining the united front.The theory is still of practical significance to the reunification of the Chinese nation.
Journal of Inner Mongolia University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)