客家人在迁徙过程中形成了一种山地文化——客家文化 ,1 9世纪后期 ,逐渐形成了“新客家文化精神”。黄遵宪和丘逢甲可以说是客家文化在近代中国发愤图存中的双璧 ,而林风眠、李金发则是中国现代文化史上客家文化的诗与画的双璧。
The Hakkas had taken shape a mountainous region culture——Hakkas culture in the course of the movement. The late of the 19th century,it had taken gradually shape 'the spirit of new Hakkas culture'. Huang ZunXian and Qiu FengJia were Two Bi which Hakkas culture strived to be strong in modern China. Lin Fengmian and Li Jinfa were Two Bi of Hakkas culture's poem and painting in modern Chinese culturl history.
Journal of Jiaying University