周恩来的民主精神涵盖社会生活各个领域 ,体现在与不同对象的交往中 ,贯穿于生命的全过程 ,蕴含在对违反民主精神言行的批判中。这种精神的深厚渊源来自于对人类文明成果的继承 ,导源于对真理的探求 ,植根于伟大实践的沃土 ,交融于完美的人格风范。它对于贯彻党的基本路线 ,维护改革发展稳定的大局 ,推进政治体制改革 ,开展三讲教育 。
Zhou En lai's democratic spirit, which was embodied in his association with different people and his criticism to anti democratic words and acts,had run through his whole life and can be found in all aspects of his social life.It is the result of the inheritance of human civilization, the pursuit of the truth. Based on practice it eventually mingles in his perfect personality. It is of very realistic significance in carrying out our Party's basic line,promoting reform , development and stability and intensifying the reform of political structure,and starting an upsurge of the 'Three Stresses' education.
Journal of Huaiyin Teachers College(Social Sciences Edition)