20世纪 80年代后期的先锋小说曾以其独特的面貌引起评论界的广泛争议 ,涉及到文学最本质的问题 ,并且对今后的小说创作依然有着启发意义。对先锋小说研究现状的作一次简要的综合性评述 ,既有纪念意义 ,更具有启发意义。
The Advanced Novel in late 1980s in China raised a great deal of arguments in the circle of critics,many of which have touched upon the essence of literature, and also have great enlightenment to the compostion of novel afterwards. A summary of the recent rearch of the Advancde Novel, is of commemorative and enlighetening importance.
Journal of Huaiyin Teachers College(Social Sciences Edition)