本文认为沈从文在他那些关于男女性描写的小说里灌注进了自己的美学追求 ,他善于借助人性的尺度作为他笔下人物行为的凭靠 ,善于借助大自然来增加性的美感和使用蕴藉含蓄的技巧稀释掉性欲中肉欲的成份 ,因此他那些性描写的小说往往笼罩着诗的氛围 ,具有一种人性的美。
The paper holds that in his fiction concerning sex,Shen Congwen pours into the descriptions his aesthetic pursuit.Shen is good at taking the human nature as the measure of the behaviour of the figures under his pen,is good at enhancing the sense of beauty with the description of Nature,and diluting the components of carnl desire in the sexual passion with refined and implict skills.Thus a cloud of Poetic flavour usually hangs over the sexual fictions written by Shen,as well as a certern kind of beauty of human nature.
Journal of South-Central University for Nationalities(Humanities and Sociol Science)