成人公共英语统考合格率普遍偏低 ,从一个侧面反映了成人公英教学现状的令人不满意。如何使之有所前进 ,有所突破呢 ?本文拟从成人自身的特点 ,成人英语的教与学及外界教学环境三方面对这一问题进行初步探讨。
There is a low percentage of students who passed College English Test(Adult, Guangdong Province) compared with other public subjects, such as higher mathematics and computer science, which in a way reflects the unsatisfactory situation of College English Test (Adults). How can Adults College English teaching be improved, and thus achieve a breakthrough? This paper attempts to explore this question by dealing with adults' characteristics, Adults College English teaching and theirself-teaching as well as the teaching environment.