王尔德的《莎乐美》是公认的唯美主义名剧。在评论剧中女主人公莎乐美形象时 ,人们往往局限于唯美主义视角 ,把她作为“病态美与追求肉欲的象征”。本文从《莎乐美》在五·四时期受到我国文坛的特别关注这一文化现象入手 ,以女性主义批评为视点 ,论述了莎乐美形象所蕴涵的女性意识 。
Oscar Wilde's Salomeis well known as an aestheticist drama. People always review it from the angle of aestheticism, and the heroine, Salome, is regarded as a woman with sadist fleshly desires and one seeking morbid beauty. With feminist theory, this article makes a new analysis of Salome whose charater implies both feminine sense and Wilde's viewpoint about female.