弗洛伊德 (S .Freud)深入到心灵的无意识深处 ,揭示了本能的俄狄浦斯情结(Oedipuscomplex) ,开创以心理分析解决自我心理问题、治疗心理症。依佛家 (Buddhism)的看法 ,俄狄浦斯情结并不是心理问题的根本始因 ,它只是一个强而有力的增上因。根本始因是我执。心理问题好比一棵大树 ,心理分析可能砍掉它的一些枝桠 ,它们还会萌生。佛家却是要将这棵大树连根拔起。
S.Freud brought to light the Oedipus Complex of human instinct through going deep into the unconsciousness of a mind,and started solving psychological problems of ego and healing mental illness by means of psycho-analysis.In Buddhisms view,the Oedipus Complex isnt the cause of psychological problems,but is a strong secondary one. The basic cause is to persist in ego and to attach himself to ego. Psychological problems are like a great tree whose twigs and branches can be cut off with psycho-analysis,but soon they will grow again. Buddhism will pull up the tree by the root.
Journal of Sichuan University:Philosophy and Social Science Edition