在欧洲文学史上 ,古典主义和浪漫主义是两个截然有别的文学流派 ,它们在文学理论、创作主张和创作方法上 ,存在着很大的区别。但单就德国文学而言 ,其古典主义和浪漫主义却有着相当多的相似和联系。究其原因 ,除了 18世纪风靡全欧的启蒙主义在德国没有多大市场外 ,还因为德国的启蒙主义文学缺乏独立的形态 ,是附着在德国的古典主义文学和浪漫主义文学之上的。 1797年是德国古典主义与浪漫主义的分野 ,从此 ,德国古典主义和浪漫主义在如何对待古典文化 ,如何看待文学与艺术的关系 ,如何理解民族性和文化传统等问题上 ,逐渐显示出了不同的思想倾向 。
There are two different schools of literature in the history of European literature. There is a world of difference between these two schools, such as literary theory, mode of writing, ideas guiding literary creation; while there is a great deal similarities and relations between Classicism and Romanticism on the part of German literature. One reason is that European Enlightenment Movement of the 18 th century occupies a little place in German literature, the other is that German Enlightenment attached to German Classicism and Romanticism , has no its own independent features. It is in 1797 that these two schools separate and go different ways.
Journal of Ningxia University(Humanities & Social Sciences Edition)