江泽民关于“三个代表”重要思想的唯物史观依据主要有 :生产力是社会发展的最终决定力量 ,发展生产力是社会主义的根本任务 ,发展生产力是无产阶级的历史任务 ;文化反映经济和政治 ,又对经济和政治有能动作用 ,人创造文化 ,文化又塑造人 ,改造客观世界的同时必须努力改造主观世界 ;人民群众是历史的创造者 ,无产阶级的运动是为绝大多数人谋利益的运动 ,共产党始终代表整个无产阶级的利益等。
The historical materialistic bases for Jiang Zemin's“Three Representatives” mainly are:productive force is the ultimately determining force of social development , and the development of productive force is the essential task of socialism and the historical task of the proletariat;culture reflects and functions at economy and politics.Man creates culture and is influenced by culture, and when man strives to improve the objective world, he should also improve the subjective world.The masses are the creator of history and the proletarian movement is one that aims at the improvement of the interest of the vast majority, while communist parties are always the representative of the proletariat.
Journal of Nanchang University(Humanities and Social Sciences)