制约着哈尼族发展的因素固然很多 ,但关键在于哈尼族人才队伍不适应社会主义现代化建设的需要。主要问题是 :人才队伍数量较少、质量不高、结构不合理等。要改变这一状况 ,需认真贯彻党的民族干部政策 ,严格执行民族区域自治法 ,逐步将培养选拔民族干部工作纳入法制化轨道 ;努力提高哈尼族现有人才队伍的质量 ,充分发挥其带动和辐射作用 ;从基础教育抓起 ,提高哈尼族人口整体素质 ,为人才队伍的建设提供良好的人才资源。
Among restrictive factors to the development of Hani as an ethnic group,the rank of personnel resources unfitting to the necessity of socialist modernization is the key one,including its small size,low quality and irrational structure.To improve the current status,it is necessary to carry out the Party's policy concerning ethnic cadres,vigorously implement the Ethnic\|Regional Autonomous Law and gradually incorporate the foster of ethnic cadres into the framework of legal system.At time being,the most important is to improve the quality of the current rank of Hani personnel resources and harness it to the elementary education for creating a favorable environment for the development of a Hani rank of personnel resources.
Journal of Research on Education for Ethnic Minorities