学习一种语言就是学习一种文化。缺少对母语和第二语言文化差异的认识 ,在学习第二语言时就会产生语言理解上的偏差和运用上的失误。壮族大学生英语日常交流和阅读理解方面的障碍和偏差 ,更多的是由于他们对英语文化背景知识缺乏了解引起的 ,改善这种状况是一个复杂的系统工程。
Learning a language is acquiring a culture.Comprehension discrepancies and application errors will result if a learner is not conscious of the cultural differences between his/her mother tongue and the second language.Discrepancies and errors committed by the Zhuang students' in their daily English communication are mainly due to their lack of understanding of English cultural background.It is a systematic engineering to improve this situation.
Journal of Research on Education for Ethnic Minorities