村民自治思想是邓小平理论的重要组成部分 ,它对基层政权建设具有重大指导意义。农村家庭联产承包责任制的实行与推广是农民自治的最原始动因 ,邓小平“从制度上保证党和国家政治生活的民主化、经济管理的民主化、整个社会生活的民主化”思想是村民自治的根源与内涵。村民自治主要体现在民主选举、民主决策。
The degree of democracy construction in the countryside is of great importance to the progress of the nation's democratic politics.Villagers selfgovermnent is a realization form in grassroots direct democracy.In this article the author interprets the prerequisites,origins and connotations of Deng Xiaoping' s villagers selfgovernment thought,analyzes the problems existing in present villagers selfgovernment,and offers some solutions to these problems.