That was because of the approval to the feeling of Russ ian culture that the culture was accepted in the May 4th Movement.In order to im port Russia's enlighten culture,the acceptance emphasized the similarity betwee n the Chinese and Russian culture.At the same time,so many related theories and famous works of realistic literature were translated that benefitted the May 4t h Movement a great deal and misread the basic level of Russian culture. This res ulted in the total acceptance of the thoughts of revolutionary democratism and anarchism,not the acceptance of the permanent humanistic culture on the basis o f careful analysis of academic theory.And this also impaired the quality of the acceptance of Marxism-Leninism. On the other hand,the refusal of the liberal cul ture implied the intensive acceptance of pragmatism and radicalism and brought a bout a great advance in anti-traditionalistic action and anti-traditional cultu ral trend of thought which goes on continually in the 20th century.