当前影响我市打击犯罪质量与效率的因素是 :转型期社会经济发展和城市建设加快 ,各种诱发和产生犯罪的负面因素增多 ,打击犯罪的难度增大 ;法制工作各有关环节均存在不适应形势要求的情况 ,影响打击犯罪的力度 ;公安机关执法整体水平不高、治安控制整体实力不强。“重典治乱”是当前社会治安形势的客观要求 ;提高打击犯罪效率与质量是其关键环节。当前的主要工作思路 :主动进攻 ,形成持续“严打”社会声威 ;快侦快破 ,提高打击破案时效 ;最大限度地把警力安排到街面 。
The Strategy of“Cracking down Crime according to Harsh Laws and Severe Punishment”comes to meet the needs of the current situation of public security,whose core is to improve the quality of fight against crime.What we should do today is:positively launch attacks and create the social environment of successive and severe attack,rapidly investigate and clear cases and improve the efficiency of our investigation and clearing work,and put as many as possible police officers to the streets so as to improve their capabilities of discovering and arresting the on-site criminal suspects.
Journal of Chinese People's Public Security University