郭沫若历史剧的创作别具一格 ,为中国现代历史剧和历史剧理论的发展奠定了坚实的基础 ,产生了广泛而深远的影响。其剧作语言鲜活、生动、极富个性和动作性 ,与婉转的情节和诗意的形象相映成趣、互衬互现 ,使剧情熠熠生辉 ,光彩夺目 。
Guo moruo has a unique writing style in historical dramma,which establishes a solid foundation on the development of both modern Chinese dramma and its theory It produces a far-reaching infuense.The langaage in it is very vivid and unique,and it combines the complicated plot and poetic figures together,making the plot very attracting as well as arosing the artistic beauty.
Journal of Zaozhuang Teachers' College