:《聊斋》入幻出幻艺术表现为 :设置出入幻的因果关系 ,使幻境的设置真实可信 ;淡化出入幻的痕迹 ,使现实与幻境、本体与幻体相渗相融 ,天然无痕 ;世情化、世俗化处理幻境情节 ,达到幻而不幻。从而为神怪题材世情化的创作开创了新路。
WT]The representative of the entering dreamland and leaving dream land in Liao Zhai is to set up the causality of entering dreamland and leaving dreamland so that the setting of the dreamland is real to believe;to desaline the trace of the entering and leaving dreamland so that the reality and dreamland,noumenon and mirage are fused as fine as natural,it deals the dreamland plot with human feeling and common custom and opens a new way to the creation of the subject of gods and spirits.
Journal of Qinghai Junior Teachers' College