从《红高粱》中我们可以看到莫言对传统儒家文化的反叛与对酒神精神的渴望。莫言生长在山东 ,深受齐鲁文化的熏陶 ,他的反叛与追寻终与齐鲁文化相联系。在齐鲁文化中占主导的儒家思想中蕴藏着一种富有特质的酒神精神 ,这种酒神精神造就了莫言的反叛与对酒神精神的深层挖掘。莫言在作品中极力张扬酒神精神的同时 ,又不时地显露出超逸的情怀。因为他意识到酒神精神不仅有光辉灿烂的一面 ,亦有其缺乏理性的一面。这种情怀与他对酒神精神的追寻形成了《红高梁》
In Brown Sorghum, MO Yan,the author,can be seen rebelling against Confucianism and longing for the spirit of wine.He was born in Shandong Province and nurtured by Qilu culture,so his rebel and pursue have much to do with it. A typical spirit of wine,contained in Qilu culture,has built up his rebel and exploration of the spirit of wine.However,he has sensed that the spirit of wine is two fold:magnificence and irrationality,which shape the dual character of Brown Sorghum .
Journal of Shijiazhuang Teachers College